There aren't enough hours in the day. I know everyone says that, but its true. There's so much I want to do and don't get to. Naturally, my sleep suffers as a result of this....
So, I was talking to a friend, we'll call him D, this evening before I came home, and yawned.
D: You need to get some rest!
Me: I do rest!
D: No, you need to go home, and just watch a movie or something, NOTHING else. That's why your back hurts all the time, cuz you're always doing something else.
Me: huh?
D: Go home, do what you need to on the computer. An hour, tops, that's plenty of time to do what you need to. Then, TURN IT OFF, close it, and put it away. Then just lay back and relax, watch a movie. You might even fall asleep.
Me: ...and do NOTHING else but watch the movie? really? How?
D: Just do it.
(D will probably text me as soon as he reads this, 'THAT IS NOT WHAT I SAID!' hehe... Sorry! I'm not very good at memorizing conversations verbatim... but that was pretty much the gist of the conversation, you can at least admit that.)
SO, obviously I haven't done that yet. I'm actually getting pretty close to the hour limit. I am always, always doing something. I'm on the computer, reading a book or magazine, drawing, painting, talking, texting. I literally go crazy just sitting, doing nothing. Mr. can sit and listen to the radio. Why? There aren't any pictures (not like pictures stop me...I can't even sit still through a music video. Maybe I should get that checked out..) but, just sitting, staring at the walls, listening to the radio? There's other things you can do at the same time...virtually anything really.
I've always been that way. Multitasking, keeping busy, whatever you want to call it. When I was younger, I would come home, listen to music, eat a snack, and do my homework, AND talk on the phone sometimes. Hey, it worked for me! I graduated High School with a 4.2 GPA on a weighted scale...
I work in a school, so I get two months off for the summer every year. Which is both good and bad.. good because I love the summer and the time off, bad because I don't get paid. Anyhoo...the most recent summer, just for an example, since I had plenty of time, obviously, I was known to paint the kitchen cabinets and read an entire book in a day, sometimes at the same time.
That's hilarious. D just text me (I can get this verbatim! )"You ain't relaxed, yet huh?" He knows me so well! So I'm going to try it. Relax. Sit. Watch a movie. Do NOTHING ELSE. I wonder how long before I get restless or fall asleep....
Thursday's Photo
8 years ago
1 comment:
Hey, just dropped in to check out your blog. Looks like your gonna be one of those supermoms one day. Multi tasking you do in your sleep!
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