Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Looking towards the future

What a historical day. Well, yesterday, technically. Obama is officially our president. Finally! Inauguration day, for most people is a really exciting day. If I woke up on the right side of the bed this morning, I may have been more enthused myself. I honestly intended on watching the event. I didn't know it started at noon. I saw something about I was planning to watch that. Don't ask. I really thought it started that late. I didn't care about Bush, to be quite honest with you, so I didn't pay attention the last time... and before that, I was too young. Anyhoo... I was sleeping through the whole thing. Hence, I was completely lost when I got to work and everyone was talking about it. How powerful his speech was.... how beautiful the music was... what Michelle was wearing....

It really is exciting. I truly believe that he will make a difference and that change is coming. I do have a question, though. Like I said, I never paid attention before, so don't laugh. Or laugh. I can be pretty unobservant at times. ahem. Anyhoo, is Inauguration always the day after Martin Luther King, Jr. Day? Probably is. I just thought it was a really big coinky-dink the two days were back to back like that. So.... it got me thinking....obviously I'm really behind, because people have been thinking about this forever already. I really should pay better attention sometimes. BUT, I found this video, and I thought it was really touching...If you've already seen it, humor me.

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