Sunday, January 4, 2009

My Favorite Things

In the fourth grade, I had a FANTASTIC teacher. She was one of the best, if not THE best teacher I've had yet.... She taught me a lot in that class. One of my memories of being in her class was "The Sound of Music." The movie quickly became one of my favorites. It still is.
One of my favorite songs in the movie is, "My Favorite Things" sung by Julie Andrews. So, enjoy the song as I share some of my favorite things with you.

Ewoks. I want one. I don't have to explain myself, I just do.

The Twilight Saga. The books, are a MUST-READ! This is not, I repeat NOT something that you can cheat and watch the movie to get the same experience. You'll thank me later.

Edward Cullen and Jacob Black. Every girl should have an Edward and a Jacob.

Ipods. Are. Wonderful. When they feel like working.

Warm and fuzzy stuff. Sweaters, socks, blankets. All great for curling up on a cold winter day to read a really good book.

Purple!! Purple is the new black. Period. Spread the word.

Cheese wedges from O'Charley's. Go. Try. Again, thank me later.

Coconut shrimp from Red Lobster. See above.

Lillies and orchids. I go for the more exotic flowers, personally. No red roses for this girl. Well...maybe sometimes.

Music that makes you want to dance. 'Nuf said.

....These are a FEW of my favorite things... a few of the things that I will be thinking about when I go back to work tomorrow... wish me luck!

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