Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I'm back! Well, Kind of...

I've been away again. This time not intentionally nor for a good reason. My computer decided to take a big poop. :( I still may not be able to get on as often as I would like until it gets fixed.... which might take a while.

I've gotten the urge to start another painting. I'm not sure of the composition yet, but I think it would be fun to paint all the beautiful colors of autumn leaves. Rich reds, warm orange, and brilliant yellows start to bloom on the mountainside like spring flowers in a field. Who wouldn't love to live near that?

In other news, I think I may have to break down and read "Twilight." After reading my favorite Blog, Clever Girl Goes Blog, and after much buzz about the series I have decided to check it out. Usually when something gets a big craze, I resent it. I still haven't given Harry Potter a try. I heard a lot from a friend about "Twilight", too. But it kind of turned me off the book even more because he was talking about it ALL THE TIME. Which is a trend for him... if he likes something, believe me you will know because it is all he has on his mind.... and it must have taken him three months to read the book because that's all I heard all summer long. I was starting to wonder how long it takes to read the book. But I'm getting off topic. I also just finished "The Secret Life of Bees" a couple days ago. I wanted to read it before I saw the movie. Another reason why I'm going to read "Twilight." The movie comes out this winter.

I'm rambling a little bit today, I'm just so happy to get to write something. I never imagined I would miss my little blog so much, and I've not even had it that long. I guess it's like my baby. :)

Oh, speaking of "The Secret Life of Bees" have you heard about jennifer Hudson's family? How sad is that? The movie just came out and she should be celebrating its success, but instead three members of her family have been murdered this weekend (last I heard). My thoughts and prayers are with her.

Oh, I was an outstanding citizen today! I voted! Not only did I vote, but I voted early! Yay me! I'm not going to tell you who I voted for. I'll just let you guess because I don't like to get into debates about things that have been going on for what seems like 4 years. I can't wait until Tuesday. Maybe then I will stop getting all of the junk mail from the candidates. Here's to hoping the next four years are better than the last eight!!

I've had a song stuck in my head for the past couple of days. "I want you to want me." At least it's a good song. I've got a 70's CD with lots of wonderful songs but that seems to be the only one that wants to play in my CD player. Go figure. :)

Like I said, I'm rambling today. About nothing and everything. And I wish I could go on for another hour but, unfortunately time does not allow. Hopefully I'll be back soon.

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