Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Yes, I must talk about it. In one of the last few blogs I mentioned jumping on the bandwagon, and going out to read Twilight. That was before my poor little computer got sick. Well, not only did I read Twilight, in... like, four days just so I could have it read before I saw the movie on the day it came out.... but I went all out. I was halfway through New Moon before I saw the movie... the first time. Yes, I said first time.. I did watch it a second time. Had to. I'll get to that in a minute. So, not long after I saw the movie, I finished New Moon and within that next week I finished Eclipse.... and the week after I finished Breaking Dawn. The only reason it took me so long to finish Breaking Dawn was because I had to work. If I didn't have to work, I may have sat in bed, reading cover to cover all day not even stopping to eat. Yes, it was THAT good.

I will not go into detail about the last three books in the saga, because I don't want to ruin anything for anyone. Everyone has seen the movie (if you haven't you MUST) so I can talk about it.... :)

So, the first time I saw Twilight, the movie, I hated it. I realize hate is such a strong word, but hear me out. The book was FABULOUS. No changes needed. The movie changed A LOT of what was in the book. A great deal was left out and a great deal was added. So, having just finished the book when I saw the movie, I was sitting there the whole time screaming in my mind "NO, THAT'S WRONG! THAT'S NOT HOW IT GOES!!!"

Perhaps it would be better to watch the movie, then read the book... I don't know because that's not how I did it. But, then, after some thought, and especially after reading my favorite blog, Clever Girl, I decided to give it another try. This time, instead not comparing it to what i knew about the book. This time my goal was to watch it with fresh eyes, to watch it for the movie. Period.

So, the second time, it was good. As a movie, it was very good. Still, there is some part in my mind that thinks it could have been better. In fact I know it could have been better. For example...

in the movie, Bella and Edward have just barely met before they confess their undying love. Very unrealistic. That part, drives me crazy. In the book, they get to know each other for weeks before they announce "the lion falls in love with the lamb." She asks him many many questions, he asks her many many questions. They get to know each other better than what the movie shows.

The other big, BIG thing that was changed in the movie that drives me crazy is the whole part around the climax. When the Cullen family meets the other vampires, all the way up until the hospital scene. That whole part was changed, and not for the better. For starters, leaving the baseball game, that entire conversation and exit scene was deleted and changed. What the book had was beautifully written. Then, James' phone call to Bella, the conversation that took place was clever. That's all I will say... you have to read it. Then, the way Bella "escaped" from Alice and Jasper in the hotel. Oh, please. Did they give that any thought whatsoever when they made the movie? Knowing Alice can see what will happen once people change their mind, and knowing their heightened senses as vampires, do you really expect me to believe it would be that easy for Bella to escape? Come on. The book's version? Brilliant. Oh, and not to mention, there is more information on Alice in the book that the movie didn't mention even once.

All of the other parts I can deal with.

Bella's cell phone, that should be an old fashioned computer.
The first encounter with Jacob Black and his father.
Laurent, Victoria, and James' presence before the baseball game.
The combining of two dances into one.
The combining of several of Edward and Bella's trips into one.
The change of cars.
The school trip.
Bella's lullaby scene.
The accident scene.
The hospital scene.
The absence of the blood typing day in school.

... just to name a few. Not to mention, entire conversations that were beautifully written. All of this does not even include things that were thought throughout the book, which, obviously cannot be shown in the movie. I know that. But a lot of the things that were left out, were important too.

All of that being said, I will say some things that were positive about the movie. We'll close on a good note.

The part where Edward saves Bella from the guys in the alley in Port Angeles. That was done well.
Casting was done well. I LOVE Alice's character. And Emmett, and Jasper, and Jacob, and Carlisle, and Esme, Bella's mother, Laurent, James, Jessica... and of course Bella and Edward. They were all great.
The way the Cullen house was depicted. Nice. Graduation caps? Nice touch...
Ok, I have to say this about Edward's room. I actually had several dreams EXACTLY like his room...its kind of creepy. I even dreamt of going in and out of the room through the open wall like that.
Which brings me to my next point, the scene in the trees, that was beautiful.
Prom night, the scenery, the way it was filmed, that was perfect.

Book : ***** five stars
Movie: *** three stars

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