Sunday, March 15, 2009

Little Man

It's really amazing how much you can feel for a person who isn't even here yet. At 22 weeks in the womb, he's really just a concept. Someone I haven't met yet. But he's my nephew, and there's something wrong with his heart. When he's born he will need surgery. It's a lot to ask of this little man, a lot he will have to go through at such an early age.

My sister is strong, she's handling it well, I think. I know she will be an awesome mother. The father, her boyfriend, who, I'll admit I wasn't really crazy about when they first got together, has been really great to her through her pregnancy and all of the stress so far. I'm glad.

I didn't really expect tears to come to my eyes when I found out about little man....and I'm just his aunt. I am still amazed at the miracle of motherhood, I have no idea what it's like but one day (no hurry!) I would like to.

One thing is for certain, though. He's not alone. He may be just 22 weeks in the womb. Someone I've yet to meet. But I will. Already he is so loved by everyone around him.

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