Friday, February 6, 2009


I love calendars. I love big ones with pretty pictures to post on the wall. I also like the little ones you can set on your desk, and tear off a page and it has something new for you every single day. Its a mini treat for myself. Its fun. Last year, my dad gave me a book a day calendar, and it was great. I got a lot of great books to add to my "to read" list! This year, I found something fun as I was checking out in Barnes and Noble. I just got it recently, so, I'm having to catch up.

Friday, January 16 in "The Bad Girl's Rage-A-Day 2009 Daily Calendar":

"Today's to-do: Take yourself on a me date!
You'll never be bored when you're dating yourself! Before you can fall in love with someone else, you have to fall hard for yourself. And that can take time. So go ahead and start the long, luscious process of self-seduction."

Now, this calendar has some suggestions of their own, some involving bubbly, some involving mirrors and feathers and bras...

However, I'm thinking since the Hallmark holiday V-Day is coming up soon, why not treat yourself?

Some of my Me-Date ideas:

Spend the entire day in Barnes and Noble and AC Moore, then follow it up with a nice dinner. Not just a salad, either. On a Me-Date, who cares if you eat all of the rolls?

For a warm-weather day, definitely go for a nice, not too hard hike up to some waterfalls, pack a picnic. Read. Take pictures. Draw. Watch the birds. If its a private waterfall, go skinny dipping or sunbathe. If its public, get wet, but keep the clothes on.

Bubble bath. Good book. Something sparkling in a pretty wine glass. 'nuff said.

Chick Flick Night.

Mani/Pedi... then shoe shopping!

I'm definitely going to make some time for some Me-Dates! What are your Me-Date ideas?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I've gotten onto blogger almost every night, checking out other blogs. My faves are listed on the sidebar, check them out. While I've not been writing much, they have some interesting things to say. I've wanted to write, but some of the things that are on my mind lately, I haven't been able to figure out.... and some of the things that I have figured out, I'm not sure if I want to post them online for the world to see. Not like the world reads my little blog, but.....

I apologize for the lameness of this blog, but you gotta start somewhere. That's something I notice about myself. If I get out of the habit of doing something, like writing, it makes it harder to get back into the habit. Even if its something that I want to do, if I'm out of the habit, I lack inspiration. Does anyone else have that problem?

Well, I will keep this short since I have to get up for class tomorrow. I will actually have to get up early a lot within the next week or so. All of the budget cuts at work have actually helped me to get some extra hours in, helping another department. That way they don't have to pay extra for someone outside to come in and help; they just use the "resources" they already have.. hence, me. I'm excited about it though. Its something that I have been trying to learn and improve in for a while, and it's a great opportunity. I'm just not looking forward to the reduced hours I will spend behind my lovely little lamb sleep mask! Oh well. Give and take, I guess.

Oh, and I got a lovely new ipod shuffle this weekend. I'm really excited about listening to some actual music instead of all of the just graduated teenie boppers talking about how wasted they got at this monster party this weekend. I. Dont. Care. I will listen to Pink instead. And my painting will be much better, because I will not be frustrated with noise pollution. Excited, I am. Yep yep yep.